Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lesson 7 : A Small Little Mouse Can Also Defeat the Elephant

一天,一只小老鼠遇到一只大象。大象看了小老鼠一眼,不屑地说:“你这没用的小东西。我一脚就能踩扁你!” 小老鼠听了很不服气,就向大象挑战:“我一定能赢你!” 大象听了,哈哈大笑!


第二天,大象一不小心落入了猎人的巨网中,拼命挣扎,还是无法逃脱。小老鼠看见了,心想这是我报仇的好机会! 不如我乘机咬这支可恶的大象一口,让它尝一尝我老鼠的厉害。正当老鼠张口想咬,它却于心不忍。最后,它决定用锋利的牙齿把网咬破,救出大象。大象逃出巨网后,和小老鼠成为朋友,并对它说:“你赢了!”


One day, a little mouse met an elephant. The elephant looked down at the little mouse and teased, "What an useless little thing you are ! I can simply step on you and crush you into a pancake !" The little mouse was furious and challenged the elephant, "I ​​can win you too ! " The elephant simply roared into laughter.

To prove its point, the little mouse racked its brain trying to find a certain way to win the elephant. A little while later, when the elephant was not paying attention, the little mouse quickly dashed into the nostril of the elephant, trying to stop it from breathing and subduing it. The elephant sneezed forcefully and sent the little mouse flying high into the sky. The little mouse fell heavily to the ground with a loud “thud”. Its body ached terribly and it experienced the seemingly undefeatable power of the elephant.  The elephant walked away proudly with its head in the air.

The next day, the elephant accidentally fell into the giant net of the hunter. It struggled violently trying to escape but to no avail. The little mouse saw what happened and thought to itself,What a good opportunity to seek revenge ! I can give this nasty elephant a big bite and let it experiencing my power !”  Though the little mouse was eager to win the elephant, it felt sorry for the elephant. Finally, it decided to use its sharp teeth to bite through the net to rescue the elephant.  After escaping from the giant net, the elephant made friends with the little mouse and said, "You've won!"

Just like the little mice, everyone has his/her worthiness. No matter what his/her social status or position in the organisation, everyone can make that little contribution. Do not underestimate yourself. Ordinary people can have their chance of success too !

Friday, June 1, 2012

Lesson 6 : Use Your Strengths and Run like the Hare.  
第六课: 善加利用自己的长处,像野兔一样奔跑。




Once upon a time, a young tiger went up the mountain for its first hunting trial. It saw a hare in the bushes nearby, and ran after it quickly. Frightened by the sudden attack, the hare immediately ran uphill. Determined to catch the hare, the young tiger thought, "By running desperately up the hill, this stupid hare will eventually get itself exhausted and I will be able to catch with ease." The tiger ran after the hare closely but the hare ran even faster, and eventually disappeared in the mountain terrain.

After chasing the hare for a long distance, the young tiger was tired and hungry. It failed to catch the hare, and went home sadly. After knowing the first encounter of the young tiger, the mother tiger smiled and said, "You have chased the hare in the wrong direction! The hare, with its short front legs and long hind legs, has an advantage in running upwards. It will be easier to catch the hare downhill as it will be unable to use the power of its long hind legs, causing it to tumble easily.”  

Just like the hare, we should make good use of our strengths to improve ourselves, overcome obstacles ahead and strive towards greater success.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lesson 5 : Always Be Ready !
第五课:随时准备好 !


骆驼笑着说:“这是因为主人随时会要我在沙漠行走。沙漠里没草没水,而吃干草肚子比较不会饿。明白了吗?” 小山羊点点头:“我明白了,原来您是为了随时接到出发的任务而准备。”


One day, a little goat was eating grass with a camel. While the little goat was enjoying the fresh and green grass, the camel was eating the dry and tasteless hay. Curiously, the little goat asked, “Mr. Camel, why are you eating the dry and tasteless hay instead of the fresh and green grass ?”

“Oh...It is because I may be required to cross the desert anytime. There is little water and food available in the desert. Hay will fill my stomach for a longer period of time. Do you understand ?”  replied the camel smilingly. The little goat nodded, “Oh I see. You are always ready and prepared for mission !”

Just like the camel, we should always upgrade our capabilities, be prepared for new opportunities and challenges, and ready to achieve greater success at work and in life ! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lesson 4 : The Success Story of a Little Ant - Trying a New Path to Greater Success 第四课:小工蚁成功的故事- 勇于寻找属于自己成功的机会

On one hot afternoon, a group of strong and mighty ants found a big piece of bone under a tree by the riverside. They immediately rushed forward and tried their best biting, tearing, pulling and dragging it using their strong teeth and muscles. They pushed and shoved for the best part of the bone. Soon, more ants came and the entire bone was swarmed by the mighty ants.

At this moment, a small little ant came by. Though it went around and tried its very best to squeeze through the crowd, the big bone was simply beyond its reach. Sadly and reluctantly, it decided to look elsewhere. Not long later, to its surprise, it found a small juicy piece of meat at a nearby tree. With great joy, it brought back its surprise ‘finding’ home.

While everyone was busy fighting over the big piece of bone, no one actually noticed the small juicy piece of meat. As the small little ant was willing to try and search for other opportunities, it found its success. 

There are plenty of opportunities to succeed in life. Whatever everyone is busy pursuing may not be the best. Do try a new path to find your greater success in life.

原来,正当工蚁们全神贯注地忙着搬大骨头时,谁也没发现就在附近的美味小肥肉。小工蚁愿意去尝试寻找, 让他得到了属于自己的小肥肉。这世界也一样,成功的机会很多。有时很多人争先恐后抢着要的未必是最好的。不妨给自己一个机会,选择尝试寻找属于自己的小肥肉。

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lesson 3 – Just a little bit more






Give customers a little bit more;  Let them have a little bit more;
Business will be a little bit more; Your earning will be a little bit more.

Tolerate a little bit more; Let others win a little bit more;
Collaboration will be a little bit more; You will enjoy a little bit more.

Be patient a little more; Let the pace slow down a little more;
Feel good a little bit more; You will be healthy a little bit more.

Lower expectation a little bit more; Let life be simple a little bit more;
Trouble will reduce a little bit more; You can relax a little bit more.

Each day, learn a little bit more; Let yourself improve a little bit more;
Your wisdom will grow a little bit more; You will progress a little bit more.

Hope everyone can do a little bit more; Let us share a little bit more;
Our society will care a little bit more; And the world will be peaceful a little bit more.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lesson 2 – Be Patient and Step-by-Step towards Greater Success

 Life is just like going up a flight of steps. Every step leads to a higher level. Each step is one step closer to success. Be patient and step-by-step working towards greater success in our life !
人生就像爬梯级一样, 一步比一步高, 一级比一级更接近成功。用耐心,一步一步攀上我们人生更高峰吧

Question to Ponder Are you ready to take your first step ?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lesson 1 – Knowing and Understanding the Different Stages in Life

Life is actually a journal of different stages from 0 to 3, to 9, to 18, to 30, to 45, to 63, etc. Each stage in life is uniquely different. Also, we live each stage of life once ! Hence, do enjoy the beauty of each stage of life !  Live every day of life to the fullest with no regrets as life moves on regardless whether we like it or not. Remember life is an on-going journey with no ‘stops’. As we grow and progress in life, we bounce to greater success through learning and gaining more knowledge, skills and experience.

人生其实是个历程,从出世到三岁,九岁,十八岁,三十岁,四十五岁,六十三岁……每一个人生阶段都不同,而且,每个阶段我们也仅走一回, 所以,我们要享受每个阶段的乐趣!人生不要留白,要活得充实,不要有遗憾和后悔。时光飞逝,岁月不留人,随着人生的成长,不断学习,提高技能,增长知识,累计经验,勇敢攀上人生更高峰!

Question to Ponder Which stage of life are you in ? What is so special about it ? Are you living it to the fullest ? 想一想:你正在人生的哪一个阶段?这阶段有什么特别?你是否活得充实?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Trillion Training (S) Pte Ltd

"It is time to bounce to greater success ! Life is good. Start learning and finding great enjoyment and purpose in our life. "


Trillion Training (S) Pte Ltd, 26 Mar 2012.